Defeat Me - Multiplication game

We made up a new game called "Defeat me" to practice my multiplication facts. We practiced just one table. But the board is versatile for all tables.
To play the game, you need to make a gameboard something like shown above. And have some play pieces and a dice.
The rules are very simple. Each player takes turn to roll the dice. He has to shout the multiplication fact for that number and move that many spaces. If he accidently calls out the original number or got the fact wrong, he has to go back that many spaces. He can defeat a player if he lands on that player. The defeated player has to restart all over. The one who reaches finish is the winner.
I defeated mom twice (pic.1 & 2 were taken when I was defeating her) and she defeated me once. (And I cried when she defeated me.) But overall I liked the game and I cant wait to play the game for the next table. Try it you will love it.

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