My Own Addition Game

Usually its mom that invents games but this time I turned the tables. I came up with a cute idea for an addition game all by myself. I laid down the rules and mom played with me Today. I named the game "My Domino Uno". The game goes like this:
Make a pretty gameboard as shown above. Use a set of dominoes and couple of play pieces. You are all set for the game.
The objective of the game is to reach the finish first. Players take a set of 5 dominoes each from the face down pile. They take turns and use up their dominoes to move spaces. The sum of the number of dots on the domino is the number of spaces you should move. For example, if your domino piece has 5 dots on top and 3 dots on bottom half, then you get to move 5+3 = 8 spaces. I added some funky rules to make it more interesting. The blank domino is the wild card (I borrowed this wild card idea from UNO and as a courtesy named the game Domino UNO) and using the wild card you can defeat the opponent and make him start all over. If you have to move more spaces than that are needed to reach the finish then you have to trace back your steps for the extra spaces - like climbing down the tree on this gameboard. It was hilarious when the opponent slips down the tree and 'go bananas'.
Let me know if you like my game.
Oh, yeah mom's 2 cents: you can use the same game to practice multplication too. Just find the product instead of the sum from the domino piece. What a 2-in-1 game!

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