Watch me dance!

1 comments me dance for the remix song 'manapaarai maadu katti'.

My Dance Peformance at Tamil Academy


Today is the Annual Day @ Tamil Academy here. We performed a folk dance for this song, Manapaarai Maadu Katti - remix. I enjoyed the dancing.

I am the one in the front, at the far left, wearing red checked half slack shirt / white dhoti, next to my pair Vandhita - the girl in red-orange dress.

Update: Just now, Mom uploaded our dance video in YouTube. If curiosity got you, meet me here or here.

California Tamil Academy - 2009 Awards Ceremony


It is Graduation Day at the California Tamil Academy. I am moving to the next grade with a score of 96% . I also managed to get a 100% attendance for this school year and CTA acknowledged the hardwork, sincerity with a "Perfect Attendance" Trophy along with a medal.